A visit to the dentist, can be an anxiety inducing experience for some people. The use of IV sedation is a good option to help relax an anxious patient to allow the dentist to carry out any necessary dental procedures.
Intravenous sedation, is when a sedative drug medication such as Midazolam/Hypnovel, is administered into the blood system, often using a small injection into an arm vein.
Often IV sedation is preferred over oral or inhalation sedatives as it is predictable and safe due to the ability to control the level of sedation and reverse the action of the drug if necessary.
IV sedation is a conscious sedation, the patient is relaxed, yet responsive and awake during the appointment. It is not a general anaesthesia where they are unconscious.
Soon after the drug is inserted into the blood system you will start to feel drowsy and relaxed. Tingly extremities or a floating sensation is often reported. You may slur your words or appear inebriated. You will remain conscious throughout the treatment.
Local anaesthetic is still used to numb the area in the mouth to avoid causing any discomfort.
An ideal side effect of the sedative is little memory of the dental treatment.
IV sedation is suitable for most people, however some medical conditions may deem a patient unsuitable. Your initial consultation with your dentist administering the IV sedation will assess your suitability. At Tooth Fairy Dental, ideal patients are healthy with relatively minor systemic illnesses. If you are an unsuitable candidate for IV sedation you will be referred to a specialist.
Dr Joy Dawson has been providing IV sedation for many years and is certified by the NZ Society of Sedation in Dentistry. Contact us today to book an IV Consultation and dental exam with Dr Joy Dawson at either our Mt Maunganui or Queen St, Te Puke clinics