Short intro on types of appliances and uses.
- Progressive orthodontic braces
- Invisalign clear braces
- Six month braces
- Thumb and finger sucking appliances
- Removeable appliances
- Retainers
Tooth Fairy Dental uses advanced orthodontic tools and techniques specifically developed by the ‘Progressive’ orthodontics programme.
With the Progressive Individual Patients (IP) orthodontics programme, instead of a ‘one size fits all’ approach used in typical straight wire appliances (traditional dental braces), we customise your braces and wires. Since the braces have been specifically made for you, a faster and more effective treatment can be expected.
We offer both metal and ceramic braces as treatment options. Metal or ceramic brackets are bonded to the tooth’s enamel, an arch wire is positioned through each bracket and secured in place by a metal tie or a coloured elastic band (coloured braces).
For more information on Progressive orthodontic braces go to http://individualortho.com/
Invisalign is a new way to achieve teeth straightening, without the need for wearing metal braces and wires. Instead, clear mouth guards (trays) are used to gently straighten your teeth. Accordingly, Invisalign is a popular choice for those seeking a more aesthetic teeth straightening option than braces.
For best results, each set of clear trays is worn for 22 hours each day. Every 14 days the old trays are replaced with a new set of slightly modified trays which gently straighten your teeth over the course of your treatment. The entire straightening process usually takes between 12 and 18 months.
Please note that Invisalign is not a suitable treatment option for everyone
For more information see dedicated Invisalign page or see the Invisalign website.
Six month braces are very similar to the conventional metal and ceramic braces treatment. Brackets and archwires are used to align teeth in approximately 6 months. This treatment can be a cheaper, quicker option to conventional braces however it does have its limitations and disadvantages.
It is important to break your child’s thumb or finger sucking habit early before it has long term effects on their adult teeth. A thumb or finger sucking appliance is generally fixed in place and is designed to fill the mouth space behind the upper front teeth. To make this appliance, an impression is taken of the jaw and sent to a laboratory for manufacture. Approximately 2 weeks later the appliances is fixed in place.
Removable appliances are often used in under 18 year olds. These appliances can be used for minor tooth corrections, or correcting cross bites. To make a removable appliance, an impression is taken of the jaw and sent to a laboratory for manufacture. Approximately 2 weeks later the appliances is fitted.
Removeable retainers can be made from a rigid clear plastic or acrylic and wire combination. These retainers are worn at night. An alternative option is to have a fixed retainer which is a wire bonded by white filling material to the underside of the front teeth. Retainers are an important stage of orthodontic treatment to ensure teeth do not relapse back to their original position.
If you would like to arrange your initial consultation or if you wish to understand more about our orthodontic services please contact us at our Mount Maunganui or Te Puke practice.