A tooth may require removal for a number of reasons: infection, decay, gum disease, cyst, trauma, if root canal treatment is not an option or for orthodontic reasons due to crowding of teeth.
Local anaesthetic is used to numb the area so that no pain is felt during the procedure. When a tooth is removed the sensation of pressure and sound effects can be expected. If tooth removal is challenging, for example due to a curved root, then it may need to be removed surgically, whereby a flap of gum is raised and a small amount of bone is removed, often requiring sutures.
If tooth removal is anticipated to be complex due to an impacted tooth or if a patient is medically compromised, then referral to a specialist may be required.
Swelling of the face and discomfort in the mouth may occur, which may last for a week. Pain or difficulty in opening your mouth after the tooth removal should be anticipated, although the dentist’s prescribed pain medications largely mitigate this. Stitches are usually used to close the socket after the tooth is removed. In some cases a socket may not heal and can become a ‘dry socket’. Sometimes tingling or numbness of the lower lip and/or the tongue occurs after the operation.
A dry socket is where the blood clot has been disrupted preventing the healing process to occur. A dry socket generally presents approximately 3 days after tooth removal resulting in tenderness or pain, a bad breath and a bad taste. A dry socket is more likely after lower wisdom teeth extraction, and with smokers. A dry socket can be treated by your dentist.
Instructions will be given to help you recover following removal of the tooth. After an extraction, the socket fills up with blood which then clots. This is the first stage in normal healing. The following instructions are designed to help you aid normal healing.
- Do not rinse your mouth or spit out on the first day of the procedure. You may eat and drink, but not rinse or spit.
- Smoking, alcohol, hot drinks and heavy exercise that raise your blood pressure must be avoided on the first day.
- Avoid brushing near the area of the extracted tooth, but brush your other teeth. Keep your mouth as clean as possible.
- On the day following the procedure, start gently rinsing the socket with warm salty water (half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water) four times daily for one week.
- It is important to keep up your fluid and calorie intake in the first few days as this promotes better healing. Soft food such as fruits, mashed vegetables and yoghurt are good.
Bleeding – There might be blood in your saliva for several days, this is normal. However if the tooth socket is oozing blood, place a pad of clean sterile gauze or a clean folded handkerchief or a wet tea bag (the tannins are a great blood clotting agent) over the extraction socket and bite on it for 30 minutes.
Pain – Take the pain medication as prescribed by the dentist. If no pain medication was prescribed then take 2 x 500mg paracetamol, wait 4 hours and then take 2x 200mg ibuprofen. Wait another 4 hours and repeat the cycle alternating between Paracetamol and Ibuprofen every 4 hours.
Swelling – Inflammation and swelling is the body’s natural response to surgery. This is usually at its worst after 3 days and will often linger for 7-10 days and it is not uncommon for the cheek on the side of the extraction to become very swollen. The cheek may also become bruised which could be visible externally. Post-operative swelling can be reduced by using cold compresses. The best way to do this is to take crushed ice placed in a plastic bag and hold it over the cheek on the side the extraction was performed. Alternatively a bag of frozen vegetables will give the same effect. Hold it in the area with a 5min on and 5min off regime for the first few hours following extraction.
Stitches – If stitches were placed, they will be removed at a 1 week review appointment or if dissolvable, they will dissolve within 2 weeks. Call us if dissolvable stitches are still in place 14 days after the procedure.
If bleeding or pain is not controlled by these measures, or if there are any other complications, please contact Tooth Fairy Dental.